Archive for the 'MUSH News' Category

New Author

Monday, October 26th, 2009

Soon, Mad will be joining us to take over Ken’s position of CaveMUSH blogger-in-residence. Hammy might as well.

Lec got on CaveMUSH today for the first time since August 28th, 2006! Exciting times.

Announcing a new construction project on CaveMUSH!

Monday, February 13th, 2006

Hi, friends! I’m proud to announce that soon, a new construction project will be under way on CaveMUSH. It’s called Trans-Atlanic City, and it’s going to be the talk of the MUSH! Trans-Atlantic City will be a new division of the MUSH built off of the Great Highway, located in tunnel #847. I know it will start off pretty modest, but it will eventually become a metropolis (I hope…)! Anyone who has any ideas for this new division can +smail Matthais on CaveMUSH. Stay tuned for the best updates on this project, folks!

Sincerely Yours,
